Ayurvedic Medicine Khatti Dakar India | Buy Vaidyashree Alkabinate Tablet


Deposit : 100.00 Per item


  • It relieves acidity and heartburn faster
  • It helps with gas, bloating, heartburn, sour belching, and stomach pain
  • Herbal antacid and flatulence reliever
  • Promote healthy digestion


  • Quantity: 60 Tablets
  • Form: Tablets
  • Ayush License Number: 665-ISM(HR)
  • Treatment: Digestive Health

Ingredients in Vaidyashree Alkabinate Tablet


What’s Alkabinate for?

Healing a wound

Fever relief

Skin Health


How to Use

  • Take 1-2 tablets twice a day
  • Preferably with water before meals or as your doctor tells you.

Benefits of the VaidyaShree Alkabinate Tablet

  • It relieves acidity and heartburn faster because sodium bicarbonate neutralizes the acid.
  • It helps with gas, bloating, heartburn, sour belching, and stomach pain because it improves gut health and grows healthy flora, improving digestion and absorption.
  • Herbal antacid and flatulence reliever: It contains wood apple, which is very useful because it has medicinal properties that help digestion and remove gas.
  • Promote healthy digestion: Its ingredients stop acid reflux by neutralizing too much acid. They also improve gut peristalsis and micronutrient absorption, which helps promote healthy digestion and relieve all the symptoms of an unhealthy gut.

Ayurvedic Medicine Khatti Dakar India | Buy Vaidyashree Alkabinate Tablet

Ayurvedic Medicine Khatti Dakar India Vaidyashree Alkabinate Tablet from Vaidyashree Ayurveda is a complete herbal solution for all types of acidity that helps improve gut health and digestion. The Alkabinate tablet helps stop acid reflux and fix the problems that come with it.